Resources, Environment, Species and Ecological Assessment
for Responsible Change (RESEARCH)
About the Program
This program involves project site profiling, habitat and/or species-focused research, studies on ecological services and functions and regular biodiversity monitoring. MBCFI explores the possibility of engaging partnership with research and academic institutions, or other interested and equally capable organizations in the implementation of this program.
Ongoing Projects and Initiatives
Annual Waterbird Census
Tamaraw Count in Mts. Iglit-Baco National Park
Dietary Analysis of the Critically Endangered Tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis) in Mindoro Island

Mindoro Island Symbolic Species Icons of Nature (MISSION)
About the Program
This program facilitates the formation of community-based biodiversity protection groups who are taking the lead in protecting the different ecosystems, habitats, and threatened endemic species which are symbolic icons of Mindoro Island.
Ongoing Projects and Initiatives
Formation and Support of Peoples Organizations in Mt. Halcon and Mt. Malasimbo
Woodlots Restoration Projects
Foot Patrolling and Biodiversity Monitoring

Conservation Awareness Raising and Education (CARE)
About the Program
This program popularizes the biodiversity and cultural significance of Mindoro to gain broader support from the general public for its protection and conservation. Various information, education and communication strategies are being developed and implemented to increase the conservation awareness of the Mangyans, non-IP communities, and other stakeholders.
Ongoing Projects and Initiatives
Mindoro TREASURES Environmental Sourcebook
Strengthening Environmental Education for Development (SEED) Program
Mindoro Biodiversity Podcast

Resources, Environment, Species and Ecological Assessment for Responsible Change (RESEARCH)
About the Program
This program involves project site profiling, habitat and/or species-focused research, studies on ecological services and functions and regular biodiversity monitoring. MBCFI explores the possibility of engaging partnership with research and academic institutions, and/or other interested and competent organizations in the implementation of this program.
Ongoing Projects and Initiatives
Annual Waterbird Census
Tamaraw Count in Mts. Iglit-Baco National Park
Dietary Analysis of the Critically Endangered Tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis) in Mindoro Island

Mindoro Island Symbolic Species Icons of Nature (MISSION)
Ongoing Projects and Initiatives
Formation and Support of Peoples Organizations in Mt. Halcon and Mt. Malasimbo
Woodlots Restoration Projects
Foot Patrolling and Biodiversity Monitoring

Conservation Awareness Raising and Education (CARE)
About the Program
This program popularizes the biodiversity and cultural significance of Mindoro to gain broader support from the general public for its protection and conservation. Various information, education and communication strategies are being developed and implemented to increase the conservation awareness of the Mangyans, non-IP communities, and other stakeholders.